EggShell - iOS/macOS Remote Administration Tools - GNU/Linux

Assalamualaikum Wr.Wb...
dengan diberikan nikmat dan rezeki dari Allah SWT, saya Mr.GagalTotal666 akan
share tentang suatu tools exploitasi EggShell - iOS/macOS Remote Administration Tools.

Tentang EggShell

EggShell adalah iOS dan macOS post exploitation surveillance pentest tool
yang dicompile dengan bahasa pemrograman Python. tools ini menciptakan
1 line multi stage payloads yang memberi Anda sesi command line dengan
fungsionalitas ekstra. EggShell memberi Anda kekuatan dan kemudahan
mengunggah / mendownload file, memotret, pelacakan lokasi, eksekusi
perintah shell, ketekunan, meningkatkan hak istimewa, pengambilan
kata sandi, dan banyak lagi. Fitur komunikasi server enkripsi end to end
dengan 128 bit AES dan kemampuan untuk menangani banyak klien.
Ini adalah bukti alat pentest konsep, ditujukan untuk penggunaan
pada mesin yang anda miliki.

Featured EggShell

Ditampilkan dalam video EverythingApplePro yang menunjukkan kerentanan
WebOS iOS 9.3.3 yang digunakan untuk menjalankan EggShell

Installasi EggShell

$ git clone && cd EggShell
$ sudo easy_install pycrypto
$ python

iOS Commands

sysinfo : get system information
ls : list contents of directory
cd : change directories
rm : delete file
pwd : get current directory
download : download file
frontcam : take picture through front camera
backcam : take picture through back camera
mic : record microphone
getpid : get process id
vibrate : make device vibrate
alert : make alert show up on device
say : make device speak
locate : get device location
respring : respring device
setvol : set mediaplayer volume
getvol : view mediaplayer volume
isplaying : view mediaplayer info
openurl : open url on device
dial : dial number on device
battery : get battery level
listapps : list bundle identifiers
open : open app
persistence : installs LaunchDaemon – tries to connect every 30 seconds
rmpersistence : uninstalls LaunchDaemon
installpro : installs eggshellpro to device

MACOS Commands

ls : list contents of directory
cd : change directories
rm : delete file
pwd : get current directory
download : download file
picture : take picture through iSight camera
getpid : get process id
openurl : open url through the default browser
idletime : get the amount of time since the keyboard/cursor were touched
getpaste : get pasteboard contents
mic : record microphone
brightness : adjust screen brightness
exec : execute command
persistence : attempts to connect back every 60 seconds
rmpersistence : removes persistence

EggShellPro Commands (Cydia Substrate Extension)

lock : simulate lock button press
wake : wake device from sleeping state
home : simulate home button press
doublehome : simulate home button double press
play : plays music
pause : pause music
next : next track
prev : previous track
getpasscode : log successfull passcode attempts
unlock : unlock with passcode
keylog : log keystrokes
keylogclear : clear keylog data
locationservice : turn on or off location services

untuk mengetahui lengkap Eggshell Tools, anda bisa
ke website resmi EggShell >> [disini]

Github EggShell

Semoga bermanfaat ....

Wassalamualaikum Wr.Wb....