How to Install Websploit di BackBox Linux/GNU Linux

Assalamualaikum Wr.Wb..
dengan diberikan nikmat dan rezeki dari Allah SWT , saya Mr.GagalTotal666 akan
share cara bagaimana install tools Websploit di BackBox Linux
maupun di distro linux lain nya.

WebSploit adalah proyek open source yang digunakan untuk memindai
dan menganalisa sistem remote Untuk menemukan berbagai jenis kerentanan.
websploit ini sangat ampuh dan mendukung banyak kerentanan

Description :
[+]Autopwn - Used From Metasploit For Scan and Exploit Target Service
[+]wmap - Scan,Crawler Target Used From Metasploit wmap plugin
[+]format infector - inject reverse & bind payload into file format
[+]phpmyadmin - Search Target phpmyadmin login page
[+]lfi - Scan,Bypass local file inclusion Vulnerability & can be bypass some WAF
[+]apache users - search server username directory (if use from apache webserver)
[+]Dir Bruter - brute target directory with wordlist
[+]admin finder - search admin & login page of target
[+]MLITM Attack - Man Left In The Middle, XSS Phishing Attacks
[+]MITM - Man In The Middle Attack
[+]Java Applet Attack - Java Signed Applet Attack
[+]MFOD Attack Vector - Middle Finger Of Doom Attack Vector
[+]USB Infection Attack - Create Executable Backdoor For Infect USB For Windows
[+]ARP DOS - ARP Cache Denial Of Service Attack With Random MAC
[+]Web Killer Attack - Down Your WebSite On Network(TCPKILL)
[+]Fake Update Attack - Create Fake Update Page For Target OS
[+]Fake Access point Attack - Create Fake AP & Sniff Victims Information

ikuti langkah berikut :

sebelumnya anda download terlebih dahulu [disini] pilih versi
terupdate nya extract file tar websploit lalu anda pergi
ke direktory yang file websploit anda unduh

$ cd Downloads
$ tar -xvf WebSploit-Framework-3.0.0.tar.gz
$ cd websploit
$ sudo su > masuk mode root
$ chmod +x
$ ./

$ websploit

sekian tutorial nya ^_^ semoga bermanfaat ...

Wassalamualaikum Wr.Wb...

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